Initial Trading

As a beginner you will want to make fast cash to be able to buy a better ship that brings you to all the wonders of the universe. You can earn your money with trading. As a beginner you should choose a trading route where there is no risk of being attacked by pirates. Sol and Barnard are two such systems. You can carry luxury goods from Sol to Barnard and robots back. Sell all of your initial equipment you don't need, to make room for merchandise. You won't need missiles, laser or your scanner. As soon as you have left Merlin (on Ross 154) you can sell your atmospheric shielding too at the next starport, if you avoid planets with atmosphere in the future. On the route between Sol and Barnard this will pose no problem, because there are enough space stations in either system. Be sure to check the bulletin board when you bring robots to Sol. Very often you can get a better price there than on the stock market.

You cannot afford Luxury Goods or Computers in the very beginning. Carry Fruit and Vegetables to Barnard instead until you have enough cash to switch to more profitable goods. Buy a bigger ship as soon as you have enough money to pay it <#43#>and<#43#> enough cash to buy some initial cargo for your new ship too.

Another good route in imperial space has been reported to be Facece to Vequess and back. You can perform military missions on one way and carry slaves back, if you don't mind the moral implications.